Catherine Wilson 1918 - 2020 - Obituary

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Catherine Wilson 1918 - 2020

Catherine Wilson, 101

CAPE CORNER TOWNSEND HARBOR, MA- Catherine Warner Proctor Boyes Wilson, 101, daughter of Galen Proctor and Melora (Warner) Proctor passed away March 27, 2020.

Born September 18, 1918 and at her age was the proud holder of the Townsend Post Cane. She graduated from Townsend High School and Fitchburg Teacher College.

As a teacher she taught the newly developed field of Special Education and was the first in Townsend to do so. During her life she was active in 4H, the Grange, the DAR, town committees and projects and the Townsend Historical Society. For many Catherine was the "go to person" for town history and family genealogy.

Catherine left behind three children Jane Catherine Stonefield with husband Jack, Raymond Proctor Boyes with wife Joyce, and Carol Rebecca Wright; nine Grandchildren; eleven Great-Grandchildren and five Great-Great-Grandchildren and 4 Stepchildren. She was predeceased by her two brothers Robert Galen Proctor and David Manning Proctor, her husband of 23 years Ralph Wilson and 6 stepchildren.

Services will be held later in the season. The T.J. Anderson & Son Funeral Home is assisting the family with the arrangements. For further information or to leave an online condolence please visit their website at

Published in Sentinel & Enterprise on Apr. 8, 2020.

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